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Manhattan Rendezvous

I went into midtown Manhattan this morning to meet someone special at The Hilton Hotel so that we could go to breakfast together.

She was Kathy of the blog Have Suitcase, Will Travel!

She was in Manhattan from San Francisco, for a long weekend to met her daughter who had come over from England, and they had a good time seeing the sights and doing some shopping. I'm sure within a few days she'll be displaying many of her photos and stories about NYC, so be sure to check her blog to read more.

Kathy was going back to San Francisco today, but had the morning free, so met for breakfast in a deli near the hotel. Unfortunately, the photo I asked a waitress to take of us came out a little blurry, but it was a lot of fun meeting a fellow blogger for the first time, as you can see from our smiling faces and our untouched food, as we gabbed and gabbed about ourselves and our experiences blogging. She brought me some beautiful San Francisco souvenirs including a little teddy bear for my future grand son which was so sweet of her, and she shouldn't have. Thank you so much Kathy! It was so nice to meet you!

After we parted I went over to my daughter's office building, as the company she works for had moved to a new floor in their building and she wanted me to see her new spot.

I couldn't resist taking a photo of LOVE in Manhattan!

Passed by Radio City Music Hall as I walked down 6th Ave.

Wow -- this is a nice new cubicle L! It actually has a window! She showed me all her files and, boy oh boy, does this girl work hard. I'm very proud of you L!

I don't know why it always seems to be a grey, overcast day when I go into Manhattan, but the following few photos are views from my daughter's office windows -- no need to go up to the top of the Empire State building today for city views.

Speaking of which, here is a view of The Empire State Building -- as you can see it's quite a bit higher than the 40, or so, floors that I am on as I take this photo.
Kathy told me it was so crowded with tourists waiting to go to the observation deck that she and her daughter had to wait over an hour both to go both up and down, which was unfortunate as they had so little time to spare.

You can see the sharp point of Chrysler Building in the distance in the next photo.

And here's some more midtown building views. I think if I worked in some of these offices I'd be tempted to look outside all day long!

All in all it was a wonderful day meeting some of my favorite people.

I have a lot of "catch up" to do tomorrow, reading all of your wonderful blogs, so see you then!

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